Thursday, March 28, 2013
Now is Your Chance to Become an Authorized CLIMBS Facilitator
Institutes authorize individuals to facilitate trainings on WIDA products and resources. Designed for 15-25 participants, institutes are intensive and require follow-up work for authorization or certification. The WIDA Consortium offers two types of institutes. One is the Professional Certification for Trainers program and the other is the CLIMBS Facilitator Institute (CFI). As you might suspect, these trainings are designed for teacher trainers or professional development providers.
Today I wanted to share with you my experiences as a CLIMBS facilitator and encourage you to bring the CLIMBS course to your area by becoming an authorized CLIMBS facilitator or sponsoring members of your staff to become facilitators. First a bit about the CLIMBS Facilitator Institute (CFI)…
Friday, March 22, 2013
Running Records and ELLs: Comprehension Considerations
It is easy for a student to come to the erroneous conclusion that reading is about quickly and correctly pronouncing words out loud. Running records can exacerbate this misconception if teachers are not emphasizing the importance of comprehending what is read.
The comprehension component of running records is included to help us notice how a child is being thoughtful about his reading. Evaluating or measuring comprehension is difficult for many reasons for all learners (not just ELLs). As teachers, our goal is to uncover the process of comprehension. Consider these tips the next time you give a running record to an ELL.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Running Records and ELLs: Miscue Analysis
Recently I was asked about how best to use running records with ELLs. As we know from the literacy field, running records give us a "snapshot" of a child's reading behaviors. They also help us determine a student's instructional reading level.
There are several things I'd like to encourage you to keep in mind with regards to ELLs and running records.