Monday, July 11, 2016

Let Freedom Ring Promotion

The WIDA 2016 National Conference takes place October 12-15, 2016 in historic Philadelphia, the birthplace of our nation. What better time to announce the Let Freedom Ring promotion. To encourage more educators to participate, WIDA is offering two complimentary Full Conference registrations. We will randomly select two people from the conference attendees who register by July 31, 2016.

Not only is the conference a great place to network alongside your ELL educator and administrator peers, it is also an opportunity to participate in a national discussion about issues surrounding academic language development for language learners from pre-kindergarten through grade 12. Register at by July 31, 2016 to be automatically entered for a chance to receive one of two complimentary Full Conference registrations. The promotion is open to all those currently registered as well as all new registrations received before the end of the month. 
Good Luck!

(Two (2) individuals will receive a refund of conference registration fees paid during registration. Promotional giveaway open to all registered attendees and presenters as of July 31, 2016; WIDA Staff and WIDA 2016 conference sponsors are ineligible to participate.)